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Where is Comfort to be Found?

Where is Comfort to be Found?

In the past 24 months, Americans have “endured” all manner of stress, distress, uncertainty, confusion, mis-information, and more. As believers, where are we to find comfort from all this? Pastor Mike reminds us from 2 Corinthians, that St Paul was no stranger from difficulties and stress, but that he also has a source of comfort.

Remember Who You Are

Remember Who You Are

The Lion King – this movie might date you… But Pastor MIke did reference it to make the point that Christians need to remember, need to be reminded, who we are as children of God. As members of God’s family. And that once we remember that, that we are expected to be ambassadors for God, […]

The Ministry of Reconciliation

The Ministry of Reconciliation

Reconciliation. That is a word we might not hear that often. It comes from “reconcile”, which might be defined as “making two things to come into agreement”. When a relationship is broken, “reconciliation” is what needs to happen to bring the two parties back into a positive relationship.