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What Race are You Running?

What Race are You Running?

This is the question Pastor MIke put to the congregation Sunday? Are you running or are you standing still? “Oh, but I’m waiting for God…” Sure, look at how much many saints of bygone years have had to wait. But that didn’t mean they were standing still. (Note: there were some technical ‘glitches’ in the […]

Teaching from Parables

Teaching from Parables

Why did Jesus use parables, stories, to teach truths? Why did the gospel writers include some and exclude others. And why did they place the parables where they did in their narrative? Pastor Mike addresses some of these questions in his sermon.

God’s Love: Our Response

God’s Love: Our Response

Pastor Mike Frison had the congregation turn our thinking to Psalm 116. In this Psalm the psalmist reviews the goodness of God in providing, saving, rescuing, directing, etc. his servant. The psalmist’s response is to give God honor; to pay his vows; offer public praise.

Whose Plan Is It Going To Be?

Whose Plan Is It Going To Be?

Pastor Mike Frison used Isaiah 30, a chapter which focuses on the people of Israel making their own plans instead of submitting to what God wanted for them, to help us think how we sometimes want God to simply “bless” the plans we make for our life, our education, our church, our home. We can […]

Love One Another

Love One Another

February is the month we think of “love”. Pastor Mike agrees this might be so, but maybe not for the best of reasons. Nevertheless, the Apostle John talks about Love in a more important way. Yet it still has a practical side, which Pastor Mike brings out in today’s sermon.

Remember Who You Are

Remember Who You Are

The Lion King – this movie might date you… But Pastor MIke did reference it to make the point that Christians need to remember, need to be reminded, who we are as children of God. As members of God’s family. And that once we remember that, that we are expected to be ambassadors for God, […]

The Disruption of the Incarnation

The Disruption of the Incarnation

When you stop and consider all the details, the coming of Jesus was disruptive in a number of ways. It disrupted those happy about his coming and those rather unhappy about it. Pastor Mike walks us through these disruptions and suggests that we need to be open to the disruptions that God brings into our […]