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The Image of God, Part 3: Genesis 1:26-21

The Image of God, Part 3: Genesis 1:26-28

In this installment of our series we see the third, or relational aspect of being made in the image of God.    Friendships, exclusively those among humans, reflect the image of God.  These include marriage, close relationships among singles, families, and communities.  The Genesis command to be fruitful includes the pursuit and nurture of relationships, and the effort to […]

The Image of God, Part 2: Genesis 1:26-21

The Image of God, Part 2: Genesis 1:26-28

This sermon continues our exploration of what it means to be made in the image of God.   One aspect of our image is the creation of the human body by God, a deliberate act of God which gives rise to the body’s intrinsic value.   We live in a culture that rejects the biblical account of it’s origin […]

The Redemption of Vanity, Ecclesiastes 1

The Redemption of Vanity,  Ecclesiastes 2:1-2

The strivings of mankind so often end in little or nothing worthwhile.  The life of King Solomon, the “Preacher” of the book of Ecclesiastes, serves as a comprehensive example of these futile pursuits.   He had, and took, every opportunity to pursue knowledge, wisdom, pleasure, and toil, and in the end declared all his efforts to be vanity.   What […]

The Image of God, Part 1: Genesis 1:26-1

The Image of God, Part 1:  Genesis 1:26-28

What does it mean to be created in God’s image?  In this week’s sermon, we return to our Genesis series, this time at the moment when human life is created.  As created, man is made to be a mirror of God, testifying to His existence, reflecting His glory, made with an Intrinsic capacity to glorify Him by […]

The Son of David, Part 6: Revelation 22:1

The Son of David, Part 6: Revelation 22:12-16

Jesus, our Savior King, is coming again.  In this series we have followed the biblical trail of ever-greater revelation of a perfect king for a fallen human race from description, to promise of an earthly King David, to the promise of a perfect king to David and to the prophets, to the birth of that king, […]