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Intruder Alert

Intruder Alert

Many of us secure our homes before turning in for the night. We check and lock doors, pull blinds, set alarms. We take precautions to protect ourselves and our house. Our preacher today, Taylor Wright, suggested that it is more important that we take care to protect our hearts from the intrusion of false gospels. […]

Finding Comfort in Challenging Times

Finding Comfort in Challenging Times

The last few years have certainly been challenging for everyone. Where do you turn in times like these? From where do you draw strength to face the day? Pastor Mike encouraged us to see what the prophet Isaiah had to say on this subject in Isaiah Chapter 43.

The Divine Cure

The Divine Cure

In Jeremiah 11 the prophet, similar to a physician, is, being given God’s diagnosis of Judah’s “problem”; Judah’s disease. Its a lethal condition but the ‘patient’ is not listening or taking the medicine that will help the ‘patient’ be cured. Dom Marko, our preacher this Sunday, walks us through the diagnosis and then presents the […]

Walk By the Spirit – Part 3

Walk By the Spirit – Part 3

Randy Meyers rounded out his 3-sermon series “Walking in the Spirit” this Sunday. He quoted some well-known and some not so well-known authors – all to get us thinking. And “thinking” is one critical aspect for which we are accountable if we are to ‘walk in the Spirit’.