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Put Away Anger

Put Away Anger

Some sins appear, at least superficially, to be more easily avoided than others. Think of murder or adultery; these seem to be pretty ordinal. You either commit them or you don’t.* But when the Bible commands us to “put away anger”, hmm, that presents a real problem for us. Anger is an emotion every human […]

Completely Known; Completely Loved

Completely Known; Completely Loved

Have you become paranoid about what “they” know about you – that is, if you spend any time at all online? Well, its been said, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you!” Robert Knuth reminds us of the fact that God know everything, that’s E V E R Y T […]

The Foundation for Christian Missions

The Foundation for Christian Missions

On what basis should a “Philosophy of Missions” be founded? Pastor Alex Young used Chapter 13 from the Acts of the Apostles to explain. And the elements include: Election, Obedience, Humility and Perseverance in Persecution.

Do Not Be Afraid

Do Not Be Afraid

In all the gospel narratives the issue of fear is addressed by Jesus and heavenly messengers (angels). We hear things like “Fear not”, “Do not be afraid!”; “…and the doors were locked because they were afraid.” Fear has been with the human race since the garden of Eden. But what does Easter have to do […]