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Where is the Lamb?

Where is the Lamb?

Randy Meyers draws the attention of the congregation to what may not be the most well-known event of Genesis, but arguably one which most explicitly foreshadows the work of Jesus on the Cross. Randy’s hope is that it will lead us to desire to respond to the testing of our faith in a way that […]

What Are You Thinking About These Days?

What Are You Thinking About These Days?

St Paul’s concern about what people are thinking about hold true, very true, to this day, this age, and this place. What is controlling our thoughts? Who is directing and prioritizing your mind? Pastor Frison shares his thought on St Paul’s words from his letter to the Phillipians.

Jesus Conquers Death

Jesus Conquers Death

Is Jesus trustworthy? Will he do what he claims? CAN he do what he says he can? St Matthew has given his readers convincing evidence that Jesus is, in fact, very trustworthy. In today’s sermon, Martin Rossol reviews the last and most convincing proof that Jesus is the all-powerful King of the coming Kingdom of […]

The Law and Labels

The Law and Labels

People “label” themselves and other in all sorts of ways. Think of what you may have been called when you were younger? Labels can communicate truth, and they can motivate. Jesus used one label perhaps more than any other: hypocrite. He criticized those who were “hypocrites” more than anything. And that is what Pastor Jeff’s […]