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Mine! -Mark 11:12-31 (Shaw)

Mine! -Mark 11:12-31 (Shaw)

Did Jesus ever claim to be God? Or King of Israel? Or the descendant of David?  You bet he did! St Mark could not be more clear in his gospel that Jesus rides into Jerusalem as King of Israel and then enters the Temple as “Owner of the House” – or as God Himself!  Wow. […]

Your Faith Has Saved You – Mark 10:35-52

Your Faith Has Saved You – Mark 10:35-52  (Shaw)

“What do you want me to do for you?”   Twice this question is asked by Jesus. Twice he is answered, each from different requests, each with different motives. Listen below to a sermon by Pastor Shaw as he uses two events in the text to illustrate the difference between a theology of glory and a theology […]

Inability- Mark 10:1-34 (Shaw)

Inability- Mark 10:1-34 (Shaw)

Just when the disciples of Jesus seem to be “getting it”, Jesus appears to dash what they have just come to embrace. No, you cannot be good enough. No, you cannot be pure enough. No, if it depends on you, it is impossible. But, wait?! With God all things are possible. SB_20160515_Shaw

Reward and Punishment- Mark 9:30-50 (Sha1

Reward and Punishment- Mark 9:30-50 (Shaw)

In Chapter 9 of St Mark’s gospel the disciples, who have just professed their belief that Jesus is the Christ; and who Jesus has been teaching about his imminent death, seem to back peddle; focusing on matters of ego.  So Jesus sits them down and reviews again the importance of staying focused. SB_20160508_Shaw