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Who is the Christ?- Mark 8:22ff (Shaw)

Who is the Christ?- Mark 8:22ff (Shaw)

True to form, St Mark leaves out a number of details in the account leading up to Transfiguration of Jesus. Why? St Mark continues to attempt to focus his challenge to the reader: Who is Jesus?  And this section brings us to the first ‘climax’ of his gospel. Very worth your while listening. SB_20160424_Shaw

The Day of the LORD- Mark 7/8 (Shaw)

The Day of the LORD- Mark 7/8 (Shaw)

St Mark records two incidents in Jesus’ life and work that none of the other three Gospel writers include: the healing of the blind man, and the healing of the deaf and mute man. Mark also includes some details in these two accounts, which is interesting since Mark usually is very brief, usually including few […]

Church History: The Auburn Affirmation

Church History: The Auburn Affirmation

What was the Auburn Affirmation? When did it occur and what is its significance in church history – especially in the history of American Protestantism and American Presbyterianism. SB_ChurchHistory_AuburnAffirm_20160417

Powerfully Close- John 11:32-44 (Mong)

Powerfully Close- John 11:32-44 (Mong)

Compassion without the power to act?  Power to act but lacking compassion? Either of these two states leave little hope for the objects. Yet, as Jim Mong shared today, Jesus had both unbelievable compassion as well as the power to act on that compassion. SB_20160403_Mong