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The Dawning of Jesus’ Ministry- Matt 4:1

The Dawning of Jesus’ Ministry- Matt 4:12-23 (Sonnenberg)

John gets arrested and Jesus hightails it to Galilee. Well, it could seem that way. But Pastor Dan explained that Jesus had a very deliberate strategy for moving is “base of operations”.  And not only that, but the move coincided with Jesus publicly proclaiming his message.  He also utilized a ‘method’ during this phase of […]

Bearing Witness to Christ- John 1:29-42 1

Bearing Witness to Christ- John 1:29-42 (Sonnenberg)

Epiphany. This week Pastor Dan turns attention to the revelation of Jesus by John the baptizer.  John is preaching repentance, but when he meets Jesus and the witness of the Father and Holy Spirit reveal who Jesus truly is, it is at that point that John can now bear witness to others who Jesus is […]

The Baptism of Jesus- Matt 3:13-17 (Sonn1

The Baptism of Jesus- Matt 3:13-17 (Sonnenberg)

This Sunday Pastor Dan turned our thoughts to Epiphany – the revelation of the divine Jesus to the gentiles.  His focus was on the baptism of Jesus and how this revealed Jesus as God’s beloved son. It was also the commencement of Jesus’ earthly ministry. And yet, Jesus baptism also affords us valuable benefits, which […]

Believers’ Role in the Kingdom of God- 1

Believers’ Role in the Kingdom of God- 1 Peter 2:9,10 (Lee)

Dec 29 Abraham Lee spoke to us about the Kingdom of God.  This past Sunday he continued his series with a very high level overview to help our understanding of God’s Kingdom in Scripture and then our role as believers in that kingdom.