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Holy-Living and Thanks-Giving, Eph 5:3-51

Holy-Living and Thanks-Giving, Eph 5:3-5 (Sonnenberg)

Pastor Dan is back from General Assembly rested and ready to go! We are back to our series in the book of Ephesians after a few month break. Chapters 1-3 teach us “who we are” when we become believers in Jesus.  Chapters 4-6 “how we should live” in light of who we are.  God warns […]

Help My Unbelief!- Mark 9:14-29 (Meyers)

Help My Unbelief!- Mark 9:14-29 (Meyers)

Faith.  Belief.  Sounds easy, doesn’t it? As most of us admit, we struggle to have faith when we can’t see the outcome. When we struggle to make sense of our world and lives. Randy Meyers shares his own story about his cry for God to help his unbelief. Its a story that makes the gospel […]

The Transfiguration of Jesus- Mark 9:2-11

The Transfiguration of Jesus- Mark 9:2-13 (Meyers)

The Transfiguration of Jesus. ??  What is this all about? Our Ruling Elder, Randy Meyers, takes us on a short journey to explore why this story is in the gospels at all. In isolation it might not seem to fit as well as we might think. But understood in context, Randy certainly helps put this […]

Preparing for the Mission, Part 7: God 1

Preparing for the  Mission, Part 7: God Comforts our Fears – Matt 10:19-20, 26-32 (Sonnenberg)

God calls us to join his “mission” to reach the world with his gospel, his love, his kingdom. Yet we can have fears when stepping out to follow Jesus.  In this last message of the series, Pastor Dan shares how God can help calm these fears; help us face these fears and come to understand […]

Sharing in Christ’s Sufferings- Matt 10:

Sharing in Christ’s Sufferings- Matt 10:16ff (Sonnneberg)

Many Christians have misconceptions about what life should be like if “they believe in Jesus”. In Matthew 10 Jesus is rather plain: He did not come to bring peace but a sword. Not unity but division.  He says that true believers will be hated, insulted, arrested, beaten, interrogated and even killed. Pastor Dan challenged us: […]