My wife Beth and our oldest son Stephen have been with me in Ohio for almost two months now. It’s been great having them here. We miss our younger son James, but he’s doing well in Wilmington working at New Hanover hospital and continuing his nursing classes at UNCW.
          The three of us are currently living in the upstairs apartment of one of our church families about 35 minutes from Perrysburg. Beth and I are continuing to look for a lease or lease/purchase home that’s closer to Perrysburg, but have not found anything suitable yet.
          Stephen continues to work for one of our members five mornings a week and to intern at the Bowling Green State University library three afternoons a week. Beth is planning a trip back to Wilmington at the end of this month to lead the music for a pastors’ wives for the Mid-Atlantic Presbytery of the EPC which will be held in Holden Beach, NC.
          We’re enjoying watching the crop harvest here. Recently, Beth and I watched farmers harvesting soy beans and ear corn in the nearby fields. Also, we visited some nearby grain elevators to watch farmers unload their trucks and watch the freight trains loading up on the other side.
          We’re also enjoying the fall colors here. Beth and I and our dog Spencer drove to a couple of nearby parks recently to see some of God’s handiwork. Below are a few pictures from our outing.