Stonebridge Church gathered for a cookout and potluck at beautiful Three Meadows Park last evening for our monthly fellowship. After dinner, the congregation shared with me, and I with them, some of our thoughts and feelings that have arisen since I arrived a little over a month ago. I’ve led worship and preached six Sundays to date. Following is a list of  the congregation’s reflections followed by my own.

From individual members of the Congregation:

  • Would like us to consider using more songs in the contemporary styles for the sake of the youth even though the parent’s personal preference is traditional
  • Would like us to consider bringing the smaller children forward, lay hands on them and bless them on Sundays when the Lord’s Supper is celebrated.
  • Regarding my sermons: a three point, forty-five minute sermon is not a necessity; two good points in thirty minutes, or even one good point in fifteen to twenty minutes is acceptable
  • Would like to keep children’s sermons short with one main point based on the Scripture
  • Would like us to be careful not to require the congregation to stand too long during the service
  • Would like us to keep the Prelude as a time of quiet reflection at the beginning of the service after the announcements
  • Would prefer we not include “The Passing of the Peace” as part of the service because it feels phony. Would prefer to greet people before and after the service when it can be done more naturally.
  • Would like worship leaders to acknowledge the presence of visitors in the services, tell them we are glad they are here and encourage the members to greet them afterwards.
  • Would like to have more permanent name badges for those who attend regularly.
  • Would like to be able to write a comment on Pastor Dan’s blog. Couldn’t figure out how to do it. Seemed like they needed a password or to join or something.
  • Would like to play her viola more frequently in the services.
  • One person offered to help Pastor Dan with clerical work after the kids are back in school.
  • Would like to start a prayer group, perhaps meeting in a home once a week to pray for things like the church and community.
  • Would like Pastor Dan to send an email to let the congregation know when a new post goes up on his blog.
  • Would like the worship leaders to allow more pauses for quiet personal reflection in the services.
  • Reminded us to use regular mail and/or phone calls to notify those who do not have email of upcoming events, etc.
  • Some weren’t aware that Pastor Dan has a blog on the church website ( Click this link to go directly to Pastor Dan’s Blog. You may comment on the blog posts.
  • Some weren’t aware that the church has a Facebook page to which you may contribute. Click the following link to go to Stonebridge Church (EPC) Facebook Page and then click the ‘Like’ button.  Add your posts, pictures, etc.

From Pastor Dan:

  • Would like to move the Prayers of the People and Offering to a position after the Sermon in order to maintain more continuity between the Old and New Testament Scripture readings.
  • Would like to include other instrumentalists (strings, woodwinds, brass) and choral groups with people in the congregation from time to time in the services.
  • Would like to use some of the other settings on the keyboard (organ, electric piano, strings) from time to time to complement the style of the song and for variety
  • Would like to include other meaningful and singable traditional-style hymns and contemporary-style choruses from modern composers.
  • Would like to experiment with printing some of the hymns and songs (including the music) in the bulletin to improve the continuity of the service
  • When asked how the congregation can help me, I replied:
  •    1) let me know you have received my emails (just an “I got your note” is sufficient) so I don’t have to wonder if it got through;
  •    2) help me get to know you better by giving me more information via email or phone or other means regarding what you are thinking and feeling about what’s happening in the church, in your lives and the lives of your families (eg., “going to see my sister / father in ______ this weekend”; or “our son / daughter  _____ is starting high school / college / piano lessons/ has a recital / has a game this week”; or “here are some pictures from our summer vacation”).
  • When asked how I am feeling, I said:
  •    1) I am very thankful to be here and enjoying getting to know you
  •    2) I am looking forward to Beth and Stephen arriving soon.
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