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For Freedom

For Freedom

In Galatians chapter 5, St Paul is ‘coming in for a landing’ with his arguments about the covenant of grace vs earning God’s favor by performance or merit. Pastor Taylor points out that verse one of this chapter begins with the word “Freedom”! And then Paul explains what that freedom Christ as actually bestowed on […]

Two Sons, Two Women, Two Covenants

Two Sons, Two Women, Two Covenants

St Paul turns several events of Genesis to make his case that the gospel of Jesus Christ is actually the fulfillment of the covenant of grace; that promised to Abraham; as opposed to the covenant of the law under which the Israelites lived for millennial.

A Pastor’s Heart

A Pastor’s Heart

In Galatians chapter 4 St Paul expresses some of his personal heart, his pastoral heart. And his focus is on the seeming inclination of the Galatians reverting to Jewish traditions, rules and laws. The gospel which Paul has preached is one of “freedom” to live in obedience to God; this opposed to being a slave […]

What About Adoption?

What About Adoption?

St Paul uses the analogy of adoption from a Roman perspective; not Jewish perspective, in Galatians 4. Why does he talk about adoption? What is it? How can we know we are adopted? Makes for a very packed-full sermon!

The Coming of Faith

The Coming of Faith

Pastor Taylor suggests in his sermon that Galatians 3:23-29 can be understood by asking and answering three questions: 1) When is the promised salvation of the Lord coming? 2) Where is this salvation to be found? And 3) Who is this salvation for? Is it for anyone?

Why the Law?

Why the Law?

St Paul, in Galatians 3 now asks the obvious question: If keeping “the Law” doesn’t make people right with God, why did God give the Law? It doesn’t seem as if it is really necessary, so why did God go to the trouble- and humanity have to deal with it -give the Law to his […]

The Promise and the Law

The Promise and the Law

If the promise to and believed by Abraham was what justified Abraham, why did God give the “Law” at Mount Sinai”? A very good question; one which Pastor Taylor addresses in this sermon!

Redeemed From The Curse

Redeemed From The Curse

In this sermon Pastor Taylor explains what St Paul is talking about when he states that Jesus became a curse for us because he was hung on a tree. Strange, no? Well, St Paul defends his statement(s) by referencing several passages in the Old Testament.