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Repentance- 2

Repentance- 2

Last time Randy Meyers preached he taught on the message preached by John the Baptizer: Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Today, Randy shifted his focus to how Jesus continued in the same vein- Repent, and believe the gospel!

Thus Says The Lord!

Thus Says The Lord!

One Biblical scholar has said that the prophet Zechariah was the most “forward looking” of the Old Testament prophets. In this sermon, Pastor Mike walks us through the first part of chapter 8 of Zechariah. In it we see that God is really interested in some of the more ordinary aspects of human experience, and […]

Early In the Morning I Lift My Prayer to1

Early In the Morning I Lift My Prayer to Thee

Psalm 5 is a Psalm that seems to go in unrelated directions. Very similar to our thoughts when we are under duress. Yet in the midst of this “randomness” there is an order to the Psalmist’s thinking; to his prayer. Pastor Croyts helps us see this in such a wonderful way.

What is God Doing?!

What is God Doing?!

Sending St Paul to be a missionary to the gentiles?! How crazy can that be? He was a perfect candidate to reach Jews; why would God send him to the gentiles? Well, that is just one example of how God does things we would never expect, and it is also a demonstration that God can […]

What Race are You Running?

What Race are You Running?

This is the question Pastor MIke put to the congregation Sunday? Are you running or are you standing still? “Oh, but I’m waiting for God…” Sure, look at how much many saints of bygone years have had to wait. But that didn’t mean they were standing still. (Note: there were some technical ‘glitches’ in the […]