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Suffer Faithfully

Suffer Faithfully

There’s a quote attributed to Winston Churchill: “If you’re going through hell, don’t stop. Keep going.” While this quote might not be exactly Biblical, Pastor Jeff’s sermon suggests that believers should do somewhat the same when, not if, we experience trials, or testing, or hard times, or suffering. The Bible teaches that we should expect […]

John’s Letter to Gaius – Part 4

John’s Letter to Gaius – Part 4

Pastor BJ finishes his series on 3 John today. For many at Stonebridge this was the first time they have heard a series on 3 John; it was so meaningful and helpful. St John is really emphasizing the value of “the personal touch”. And Pastor BJ confirmed the value of picking up the phone or […]

Authority Over The Environment

Authority Over The Environment

In Sunday’ sermon St Matthew wants his readers to grasp that Jesus is the promised King; the king who would rule over God’s promised kingdom; and that as such he has authority over all of creation, including the environment. When mankind rebelled against God, not only was mankind affected by the consequences of that rebellion […]

Letter to Gaius Pt. 3

Letter to Gaius Pt. 3

It’s not uncommon for Christians today to look back romantically to the early church in New Testament times as being this wonderful, loving organization. John 3, as Pastor BJ explains, is written explicitly addressing what seems to be a bit of a power struggle in a church. Sounds familiar. The Apostle John is gently, yet […]

A Growing Church

A Growing Church

Jim Scullion starts a new series on the short letter of St Paul to the Thessalonians- his second letter to this church. Perhaps surprising to us, St Paul indicated that persecution was evidence that the church was growing! Maybe not what we want to hear? But maybe its what we need to hear in these […]