You’re at a BBQ. Lots of great food. What’s the deal with the yogurt and applesauce packets that you brought to eat? Why not the pulled pork? The juicy burger? Well, you don’t feed pulled pork to infants; likewise with Christians who are immature. Mature in Christ
The Christian Life Matters- Rom 12:1-21 1
Does living the Christian life really matter? Pastor Alan outlines from Romans why it does, and how it does. The Christian Life Matters
The Sinfulness of Sin- Rom 3:9-26 (Oldak1
If you want a primer on the basic problem of the human race you could do much worse than this sermon by Pastor Larry Oldaker. Humanity has a sin problem. And it is much worse than most of us really want to admit it is. The Sinfulness of Sin
Bringing Up the Ark – 1 Kings 8:1-21 (Sc
In this week’s text, we see the beginning of the ceremony Solomon decreed to bring the ark to the temple just built in Jerusalem. This is of great historical interest, but even more, it reveals at least three things in the nature of our God. Listen as our guest preacher Jim Scullion spells […]