Three very interesting stories are found in Luke, chapter 8. A demon possessed man; a woman with a severe bleeding problem which as afflicted her for years, and the death of 12 year old girl. Our own Martin Rossol looked at these three stories and tied them to the first question of the Catechism. If […]
Vision of Prayer- Acts 1:6-14 (Conrow)
The world to day is different than the first century, yet the some of the experiences in the book of Acts are applicable to us today. Alan Conroe spoke from Acts 1 and had us think about the importance of prayer in the life of the early, early church. Might it be that prayer is […]
Rejoice in the Lord Always!- Habakkuk (H1
What does a ‘prophet’ from thousands of years ago have to say to us in the 21st century? More than you might think.
Jesus Prepares His People- John 14:1-14 1
Before Jesus underwent his passion he prepared his disciples for what was to come. Jesus reassured the disciples that his departure was really for their benefit; that they would continue forward because he was ‘the way’; and that they would have continued fellowship with both God the Father and Jesus because they are mutually indwelling […]
Hearing and Doing the Word- James 1:19-21
Phillip Burch encouraged us this morning to consider what it means to hear what God has to say and what it means to do what God says we should do. Reading is important. Understanding necessary. But absent action, absent behavior, and we deceive ourselves if we think we are spiritual simply because we hear read […]