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Preparing for the Mission, Part 6: Rejec1

Preparing for the Mission, Part 6: Rejecting the Gospel Brings Judgment – Matt 10:14-15 (Sonnenberg)

There are many events in the Old Testament where people rejected God’s message and messenger; the result was always judgment. Jesus prepares his disciples for a similar eventuality: As they would go to preach the good news, they would find rejection.  Jesus wanted them to leave that rejection to God. In due time God always rewards […]

Preparing for the Mission, Part 5: The G1

Preparing for the Mission, Part 5: The Gospel Received and Rejected – Matt 10:11-14 (Sonnenberg)

Jesus gave clear instructions for how his disciples were to go out on their first “mission”.  Jesus also predicted that some would receive; and that some would reject – the message that the disciples would be bringing. We can follow their lead and take comfort from Jesus’ words as we also share the gospel with […]

Preparing for Mission, Part 4: Christ’s

Preparing for Mission, Part 4: Christ’s Strategy – Matt 10:5-10 (Sonnenberg)

As we think about our mission in life; our mission as a church; Pastor Dan suggests we pay attention to Jesus charge which he gave his disciples. It it just possible that Jesus instructions then are equally valid for us today. Start local; start in familiar places.  Preach the Gospel and express Jesus love in […]

Preparing for the Mission, Part 3: Praye1

Preparing for the Mission, Part 3: Prayer for Laborers – Matt. 9:37-38 (Sonnenberg)

God has invited us to a wonderful mission. Are we ready? Are you ready? A missional church defines itself in terms of its worship and its mission – a worshiping people who are also “sent ones” who take the gospel to and incarnate the gospel within a specific cultural context. – The church has a […]